Open Thesis Topics

Our research group offers a variety of projects (Bachelor theses, Practicals, Master theses) on the following topics:

  • Causality and causal inference
  • Machine learning and causal modeling in cognitive neuroscience
  • Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) for communication and rehabilitation

Below is a list of open topics. If you are interested in a particular topic, please send an email to the contact person listed underneath the project description. If you would like to suggest a topic of your own, please contact

Projects for P1 and/or P2

Eye-movement similarity (P1)

The goal is to participate in the development of a python package for eye-movement data analysis (fixations, scanpath). The project is based at the Vienna Cognitive Science Hub and involves working on data from art history, psychology and open eye-movement datasets. The goal is to add new functionalities to the package (e.g., improved time-series analysis), making it more user friendly, and testing the algorithms on different data-sets, to come up with the best default settings, and work toward an eventual publication as open source software.

Contact person: Jozsef Arato